Zinc Dust Manufacturer: the Production and Characteristics

A zinc dust manufacturer is a type of industry that produces zinc in the form of dust or powder. Zinc dust itself is known to have so many functions and benefits. It is a part of the materials for other products, mainly those that use metals. Besides, zinc dust is also beneficial for health and pharmacy as it becomes an ingredient to develop topical medication like ointment for itches and wounds.

Zinc dust products are also divided into some grades. Certain grades are considered safe for food and drugs though it requires further supervision from related institutions like the FDA in the US. So, what is actually zinc dust? Well, if you are curious enough, here is an explanation about this metal.

The Production of Zinc Dust

Although today, zinc dust is widely known as a type of metal produced by manufacturers, it can actually be found in nature in a limited amount. The natural zinc dust is known as Zinc Oxide which is also in the form of powder and also has similar characteristics to the fabricated one.

The main difference between the natural and man-made zinc dust is in the color. Mostly, natural zinc dust is white while the zinc dust from the manufacturer is Grey.

In the manufacturer, zinc dust is produced through some steps. The natural zinc is vaporized first using certain equipment. The zinc vapor is sterilized to separate it from other unnecessary substances. Later, it is solidified and this is how the zinc turns into powder. After being packed in such a way to guarantee its safety, the zinc dust is ready to distribute to customers.

Characteristics of Zinc Dust

Zinc dust is rarely used solely without any contact with other materials. In general, it becomes more useful when it is reacted to or blended with others. Yes, the first main characteristic of zinc dust is being very reactive. It can easily burn, heat up, turn into other substances or forms, and even explode after contact with other substances. Therefore, the use of zinc dust must be very careful as well as you must follow the procedure given.

Second, zinc dust also tends to be antifungal and antibacterial. This characteristic makes the metal widely used in various industries starting from paint and home appliances to pharmacy. In the paint industry, it brings some more benefits such as being anti corrosion and stain-free after the paint is applied to the wall. To make it better, zinc dust is even odorless.

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